Sunday, October 24, 2010
By Pastor Matt McFarland
Please open your Bible and follow along.
Verses referenced in this teaching:
1St Samuel 17:1
1st Samuel 10
1st Samuel 16 (complete chapter)
Acts 1:8
1st Samuel 17:32-46
Sunday, October 24, 2010
By Pastor Matt McFarland
Please open your Bible and follow along.
Verses referenced in this teaching:
1St Samuel 17:1
1st Samuel 10
1st Samuel 16 (complete chapter)
Acts 1:8
1st Samuel 17:32-46
What an exciting teaching! Pastor Matt uses historic military detail to explain how David defeated his ‘Giant’ Goliath in 7 steps.
We can use these same 7 steps to defeat our ‘Giants’ too . . .
1) Pick the right weapon
2) Rehearse your victories
3) Set the right priority, Be willing to risk it all to give God the opportunity to show his power!
4) Be motivated to meet your problem head-on.
5) Stay focused on God, not the problem.
6) Don’t be distracted by negative feedback.
7) Cut the head off of your problem, so it will not return.